Senin, 08 November 2010

please buy all of these for me :'(

just for fun .
take care ^^

couple sister :)

they may be jealous with this photo . which describes how's close between me and my sister . we are often arguing. but sometimes, when we were really together. we will show our solidarity, are able to make you jealous and say "how happy have sister like you"

actually there are a lot of our photos on my laptop. but I'm writing this post through the computer :)
time by time , a child will definitely grow. and also they attitude and the nature of their own.
so maybe now we more often quarreled just because a simple problem .
and one you should know. my sister is very FLIRTATIOUS and NAUGHTY --"
but it doesn't made a change my love for her :)

di serempet --"

hay haay .. aseedeeh udah lama nih gue gak nge-blog .
keyboard baru cuuy *pamer dikit boleh kaleee* hehe

oia gue mau curcol neeh .
masa waktu hari sabtu kemaren tanggal 16-10-2010 gue di serempet 2 MOTOR sekaligus dari kiri sama kanan .

jadi ceritanya tuh gue, valent , yulia, ulfa dkk kita mau kerumah gue dulu . niatnya abis dari rumah gue mau ke villa berenang .
eeeeh pas udah distrada tiba-tiba ada motor yang nyelip ngambil jalan gue sambil ngebut .
terus stang-nya gue belokin ke kanan , eeeh gataunya ada motor lagi dari sebelah kanan .
akhirnya gue nabrak plang kecil yg terbuat dari batu gede yang keras.

yaudah gue pasrah deh jatoh nyium aspal --"
udah mana aspal napsu banget ampe ke muka , kaki , ama tangan gue ada yang luka .

oke , thats all :D
it just for fun guys .
take care ^^