Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010


OH OH OH ~!!
it's small but it also big (?) kalo gak salah ini c6 *maybe*
who want it . up your hands ( ME ME ME )*hands up*

these are nokia c3 . i was inspired to having this from my new classmate in senior high school .
is it unque ? hah ? YES IT IS (Y)
but why there's no yellow colour :( *disappoint*

look for this one :)
unyuuu~!! what a minny and cuty phone .
hmm . i think it was a slide phone ;)

touchscreen :)

oke , see you next time guys :)
it just for having fun .
take care :) caaauu~!!


Hey guys~!!
you know what ? today will be a "GREATEST" day .
oohhh god , hari ini pembagian rapot :O
temen-temen gue yang udah pada ngambil rapot rata-rata ngomong
"GIILAAA .. pulang-pulang pasti dicabik-cabik neh gue"

berhubung ortu gue gak ada yg bisa ngambil hari ini , jadi perasaan gue gak begitu awut-awutan .
tapi tetep aja gue keringetan kalo denger "RAPOT"

So for all you guys .
just be patient if your point is .. mm .. maybe bad :D
but if you think your poit was PERFECT , keep it up :)

take care :) caaauuu~!!